
26 March 2024



【香港,2024 年3 月26 日】— 由可持续科技学院(Institute of Sustainability and Technology)主办的首届「世界合一论坛」(One Earth Summit)昨日在丽豪航天城酒店圆满闭幕。是次盛会吸引了来自全球各地金融业、初创、基金会、传媒、民间社会机构和学术等不同界别,逾 1,000 名具影响力的领袖和变革者参与,以行动为重点进行对话,实现凈零排放目标和「大自然向好」(nature positive)的可持续转型。





是次论坛由可持续科技学院主办、世界经济论坛(World Economic Forum)发起的善资助力地球行动(Giving to Amplify Earth Action (GAEA))合办,并由世界经济论坛作为知识伙伴,中华人民共和国香港特别行政区政府财经事务及库务局、投资推广署作为合作伙伴。世界合一论坛是亚太区首个同类型平台,致力透过推动超越文化界限、分歧和学科的战略伙伴关系,共同应对气候变化,将承诺付诸行动。

可持续科技学院创办人及世界合一论坛召集人罗宝文教授在致欢迎辞时表示:「世界合一论坛团结全球,为拯救我们唯一的家园——地球作出承诺。我们的愿景简单且具野心——就是要将对话化成行动,将竞争转为合作,将危机变成投资机遇。全球气候危机使我们处于人类历史的关键时刻,我们可选择继续走上冲突和破坏自然的道路,或是超越人类界限和分歧。在这个关键的十年中,我们应携手应对气候变迁。 」

世界合一论坛获联合国常务副秘书长Amina J. Mohammed女士、世界经济论坛创始人兼执行主席、善资助力地球行动全球联席主席克劳斯.施瓦布教授(Klaus Schwab)、Bridgewater Associates创始人兼前首席投资官、善资助力地球行动全球联席主席瑞.达利欧(Ray Dalio)先生以视频方式致祝贺辞,而世界经济论坛执行董事梁锦慧(Gim Huay Neo)女士更亲身出席在会上致欢迎辞。

此外,论坛白金伙伴代表恒基兆业地产集团及香港中华煤气有限公司主席李家杰博士、万邦泛亚联盟集团主席及音昱创始人曹慰德先生,以及瑞银财富管理亚洲区主席兼瑞银香港区主管及行政总裁卢彩云女士亦在论坛正式开始前,就可持续科技及金融的未来发表演辞,并由H.S.H列支敦士登马克斯亲王、TPG创始合伙人兼执行董事长吉姆 ·柯尔特先生以及宁德时代创始人、董事长及总经理曾毓群博士作开幕式发言。

论坛主题为「地球十字路口 — 投资创新,迎接可持续未来」,整天合共举行了接近20场会议和研讨会,为应对全球可持续发展挑战进行多方面对话、辩论和协调。


  • 杜拜统治家族成员Sheikh Ali Rashed Ali Saeed Al Maktoum 殿下
  • 史丹佛杜尔可持续发展学院院长阿伦 · 马宗达教授
  • 联合国秘书长道路安全特使尚 · 托德(Jean Todt)先生
  • 国际可持续发展准则理事会副主席华敬东先生
  • 百胜中国首席执行官屈翠容女士
  • 德国波茨坦气候影响研究所所长 Johan Rockström 教授
  • NEOM首席投资官Manar Al Moneef博士
  • 诺贝尔可持续发展基金会主席皮特 · 诺贝尔先生
  • 联合国驻华协调员常启徳先生
  • 阿卜杜拉国王科技大学校长陈繁昌教授
  • 史丹佛普雷考特能源研究中心主任崔屹教授










香港特别行政区政府财经事务及库务局(财库局)的宗旨是维持并提高香港作为主要国际金融中心的地位;维持香港金融体系的健全及稳定;确保金融市场有效和有秩序地运作,并受到审慎而适当的监管;以及营造公开、公平及有利金融市场发展的营商环境。财库局致力透过制定政策及 / 或提交立法建议;协助财政司司长监督有关规管机构;统筹及促进推行有关金融基础设施的新措施;以及促进市场创新等,以达到上述宗旨。




Hong Kong Hosts One Earth Summit to set Asia on Mission for Climate Change Impact with the theme “Planetary Crossroads: Investing in Innovations for a Sustainable Future”

Institute of Sustainability and Technology, World Economic Forum’s GAEA initiative, the Financial Services and the Treasury Bureau and InvestHK of the Government of HKSAR forge vision to unlock talent, technology and capital for a sustainable future

Hong Kong (March 14, 2024) - The Institute of Sustainability and Technology (IST), a Hong Kong-based sustainability research and education institute, announces the launch of the inaugural One Earth Summit, a premier global gathering for international sustainability leaders set to take place at Regala Skycity Hotel, Hong Kong on March 25, 2024. The Summit is a first-of-its-kind platform in Asia Pacific that curates action-focused dialogues for achieving a net-zero, nature positive transition in the region and beyond.

Organised by the Institute of Sustainability and Technology, co-organised by the World Economic Forum’s GAEA (Giving to Amplify Earth Action) Initiative, in collaboration with the World Economic Forum as a Knowledge Partner, and with the Financial Services and the Treasury Bureau (FSTB) and InvestHK of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) as Host Partners, the Summit will leverage Hong Kong’s prominence as the region’s financial and innovation hub to foster an ecosystem of public-private-philanthropic partnerships dedicated to driving sustainability progress through putting promises into action.

Premier Gathering of Over 500 Leaders and Changemakers

With the theme “Planetary crossroads: Investing in innovations for a sustainable future”, the Summit will bring together over 500 influential leaders and changemakers from government representatives, green finance experts, young leaders and entrepreneurs, senior executives of multinational corporations, academia, institutional investors, and representatives of international organisations, aiming to foster actionable solutions addressing global sustainability challenges through insightful discussions focusing on five distinct areas: Water & Nature-based Solutions; Infrastructure & Urban Development; Food & Agriculture; Energy Transition; and Materials & Industrial Decarbonisation.

Confirmed speakers include climate envoys, government officials, heads of international organisations and multilateral development banks, as well as top executives of corporates and family offices, prominent philanthropists, and celebrated individuals renowned for their contribution to climate action such as H.S.H. Prince Max von und zu Liechtenstein; Mr Jim Coulter, Founding Partner of TPG & Managing Partner of TPG Rise Climate; Prof Johan Rockström, Director of the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research; Mr Jingdong Hua, Vice-Chair of the International Sustainability Standards Board; Dr Peter Lee Ka-kit, Chairman of Henderson Land Group and The Hong Kong and China Gas Company Limited; Mr Chavalit Frederick Tsao, Chairman of IMC Pan Asia Alliance Group; Ms Amy Lo, Chairman of UBS Global Wealth Management Asia; and more.

The programme of the full-day Summit will include plenary sessions, open sessions such as roundtable dialogues and fireside chats, and closed-door sessions with invite-only networking events and investor pitches.

Beyond the Pledges: Putting Promises into Action

The inaugural One Earth Summit aims to promote personal, organisational, and planetary well-being through fostering inter connectedness, diversity, and inclusion – with the vision of driving collaboration, transformation, and innovative solutions through strategic partnerships that transcend cultural boundaries, divisions, and disciplines. With a focus on knowledge sharing and showcasing talent and cutting-edge technologies in Asia and emerging markets around the globe, the Summit will serve as a platform that promotes “Investment for Good ” by connecting high-potential start-ups with the world’s most prominent, purpose-driven investors.

Messages from the Organiser, Co-organiser, and Knowledge Partner

Prof Poman Lo, Founder of Institute of Sustainability and Technology, said, “I am thrilled to initiate the launch of One Earth Summit, a ground-breaking partnership with the World Economic Forum and the HKSAR Government with a mission to drive urgent action to save our one and only Mother Earth. The global climate crisis places us at a critical juncture in the history of humankind. Our Summit seeks to reverse this trajectory. Our collective goal is to mobilise the necessary capital to fuel innovative solutions for the most pressing environmental challenges, transforming competition into collaboration, dialogue into action, and transition risks into investment opportunities. To foster international partnerships and technology exchange across the East and West, we are hosting the inaugural Summit in Hong Kong. As a key economic growth engine, the Asia-Pacific region is responsible for over half of the world's carbon emissions and thus plays a pivotal role in accelerating the sustainable transition. Our event marks the dawn of an impact revolution across Asia, setting new standards for environmental stewardship and purpose-driven investments. Together, we can empower innovations for a sustainable future and drive meaningful change – from Asia to the world.”

Her Majesty Queen Rania Al Abdullah of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan and Giving to Amplify Earth Action (GAEA) Global Co-Chair, said, “Human activity has pushed the planet beyond the zone of uncertainty. There is no Planet B. The six remaining years of this Decade of Action are crucial for delivering meaningful climate and nature action. The time is now to unite diverse organisations and stakeholders with a common purpose of addressing climate change through global public-private-philanthropic collaboration. The One Earth Summit marks a pivotal moment in global sustainability efforts. By bringing together leaders from all walks of life, we can collectively address the challenges our planet faces and forge a path towards a more sustainable and resilient future.”

Mr Ray Dalio, Founder and (Former) Chief Investment Officer of Bridgewater Associates and Giving to Amplify Earth Action (GAEA) Global Co-Chair, said, “Climate change is happening in a big way. A big challenge requires even bigger commitments from everyone in the world, including investors and philanthropists. Private capital will need to be deployed in a big way to help fight the climate crisis. At this critical juncture, the One Earth Summit provides a unique platform that gathers big thinkers from the public, private, and philanthropic sectors to come up with big solutions for our planet.”

Prof Klaus Schwab, Founder & Executive Chairman, World Economic Forum and Global Co-Chair, Giving to Amplify Earth Action (GAEA), said, “Climate philanthropy has the power to be catalytic in helping unlock private finance and government public funds required to finance positive tipping point interventions at the speed and scale required across earth’s systems. This is a historic time to innovate and design the new kind of philanthropic-public-private collaborations needed to put the planet on track to meet its climate ambitions.​ Come join us, in helping corporates shift their practices and value chains towards sustainable ones, faster, and at scale.”

Support from the HKSAR Government with FSTB and InvestHK as Host Partners

Mr John Lee, Chief Executive of the HKSAR, said, “As one of the mega events taking place in Hong Kong this year, the inaugural One Earth Summit further consolidates Hong Kong’s position as an international green technology and financial centre and tells the good stories of our city to our local and international audiences. We look forward to joining the thought-provoking dialogues among the world’s leading changemakers and innovators at the One Earth Summit, and participating in concerted global efforts in building a sustainable future for our next generation.”

Mr Christopher Hui, Secretary for Financial Services and the Treasury of the HKSAR Government, said, “As a leading international financial centre with its dynamic capital markets, Hong Kong is well-positioned to spearhead green and sustainable finance. We are also developing Hong Kong into a philanthropic centre for global family offices and philanthropists to deploy charitable capital. The One Earth Summit will contribute to enhancing Hong Kong’s international profile in the green and sustainability domain, and showcase our commitment to developing Hong Kong as the leading green and sustainable finance hub, as well as a philanthropic centre.”

Ms Alpha Lau, Director-General of Investment Promotion of InvestHK, said, “The global pursuit to carbon neutrality has created a huge demand for innovative and technological solutions to reduce, mitigate or offset carbon emission. The strong presence of talent, skills and innovation in Hong Kong makes the region stand out as a bright spot for attractive investment opportunities that offer both impact and returns and a beacon of hope in combating the climate crisis. We are committed to providing support that will strengthen the Summit’s capacity for fostering international collaboration and investment in sustainability-focused initiatives.”


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香港举办「世界合一论坛」   推动亚洲应对气候变化论坛主题:地球十字路口 — 投资创新,迎接可持续未来


【香港,2024 年3 月14 日】 - 成立于香港并专注于可持续研究及教育的可持续科技学院(Institute of Sustainability and Technology)宣布,「世界合一论坛」(One Earth Summit) 将于2024年3月25日在香港丽豪航天城酒店举行,是全球可持续发展领袖齐聚一堂的国际盛会。论坛作为亚太区内首个同类型平台,旨在开展以行动为重点的对话,实现从亚洲,以至全球的凈零排放目标和对大自然有利的可持续转型。

是次论坛由可持续科技学院(Institute of Sustainability and Technology)主办、世界经济论坛(World Economic Forum)发起的善资助力地球行动(Giving to Amplify Earth Action (GAEA))合办,并由世界经济论坛(World Economic Forum)作为知识伙伴,中华人民共和国香港特别行政区政府财经事务及库务局、投资推广署作为合作伙伴。论坛将借助香港作为亚太区金融和创新中心的重要角色,发展出政、商及慈善机构相互合作的生态圈,并共同将承诺付诸行动,长远推进可持续发展进程。

逾 500名各界领袖和变革者齐聚盛会

论坛以「地球十字路口 — 投资创新,迎接可持续未来」为主题。政府代表,以及来自世界各地的绿色金融专家、青年领袖及企业家、跨国企业高管、学者、机构投资者、国际组织代表等逾 500名具影响力的领袖和变革者,将重点探讨五大议题,包括:水资源与以大自然为本的解决方案;基础设施与城市发展;食物与农业;能源转型;以及材料与工业减碳,共同制定可持续发展解决方案。

已确认的讲者包括气候特使、政府代表、联合国机构及多边开发银行负责人、企业和家族办公室管理层、著名慈善家及在气候领域作出显著贡献的知名人士,当中包括:列支敦士登王子马克斯(H.S.H. Prince Max von und zu Liechtenstein);TPG创始合伙人兼TPG上善睿思气候基金管理合伙人吉姆‧科尔特(Jim Coulter)先生;德国波茨坦气候影响研究所所长 Johan Rockström 教授;国际可持续发展准则理事会副主席华敬东先生;恒基兆业地产集团及香港中华煤气有限公司主席李家杰博士;万邦泛亚联盟集团主席曹慰德先生;瑞银财富管理亚洲区主席卢彩云女士等。


超越承诺  付诸行动

世界合一论坛旨在透过促进相互联系、多样性和包容性,推动个人、团体及地球家园的福祉,其愿景是透过跨越文化、地域及学术界限与分歧,推动策略性合作,从而共同提出协同、变革与创新的解决方案。论坛重点关注亚洲和全球新兴市场的知识交流、人才和尖端技术展示,并将高潜力的初创企业连系世界各地以目标导向的优秀投资者,共同推动「为善投资」(Investment for Good)。



约旦王后、善资助力地球行动全球联席主席Queen Rania Al Abdullah表示:「人类活动已经将地球推向崩溃边缘。我们只有一个地球家园,联合国可持续发展『行动十年』计划只剩余六年,这对开展有利气候和大自然的行动至关重要。现在是时候把各个团体和持份者团结起来,透过全球政、商界及慈善机构齐力合作,达到共同应对气候变化的目标。世界合一论坛标志着全球可持续发展行动处在关键时刻。透过汇聚各界领袖集思广益,我们定能齐力应对地球面临的挑战,开辟一条更具可持续性及更有韧性的发展之路。」

Bridgewater Associates创始人兼前首席投资官、善资助力地球行动全球联席主席瑞.达利欧(Ray Dalio)先生表示:「全球气候正在发生重大变化。巨大的挑战需要全人类,包括投资者和慈善家做出更大努力和投入。在此关键时刻,世界合一论坛将成为一个独特平台,汇聚来自政府、商界及慈善机构的智库,为拯救地球出谋献策,提出解决方案。」










「善资助力地球行动」(GAEA)是世界经济论坛的一项全球倡议项目,旨在资助和发展全新及现有的公私慈善伙伴关系,协助筹集每年所需的3万亿美元资金,用于实现2050 年净零排放目标、扭转自然损失、恢复生物多样性。


香港特别行政区政府财经事务及库务局(财库局)的宗旨是维持并提高香港作为主要国际金融中心的地位;维持香港金融体系的健全及稳定;确保金融市场有效和有秩序地运作,并受到审慎而适当的监管;以及营造公开、公平及有利金融市场发展的营商环境。财库局致力透过制定政策及 / 或提交立法建议;协助财政司司长监督有关规管机构;统筹及促进推行有关金融基础设施的新措施;以及促进市场创新等,以达到上述宗旨。






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